
Friday 2 December 2011

To Kindle or not to Kindle - that is the question

Now I love books.  No I really love books.  I love the feel of them, the smell of them and the feeling you get when you have something tangible in your hands to learn from.  My idea of heaven would be to be locked up overnight in a bookshop, just me and all those books makes my heart beat a little faster just thinking of it.  I even find myself carressing books when I am in a book shop and talking in whispers as if I am in Church.  Well I am sort of, the Church of all good and bad books!
The reason for this blog is the fact that I now own a Kindle.  It took me ages to decide whether I wanted one at all but the daily commute to work with a hardback book in my handbag was getting a bit too much.  So much so that I actually broke a handbag with a big tomb of a book and that was the last straw!  "Get a Kindle" hubby said but I couldn't understand why people would want an electronic device instead of turning the pages of a book.  But then I saw one and for a person who is a bit gadget happy I suddenly understood the hype.  I could actually carry thousands of books to work at the same time!  No trying to eek out the last pages on the way home as I had nothing else to read - I mean who takes more than 1 book to work?  Also I could download new books whenever and where ever I wanted.  God Lord a portable library in my bag, what more could a girl ask for?  So you would think that I would now be the happiest Kindle carrier on this planet but no.  I still have the old yearnings for smelling books and what fun is it browsing on the internet for books instead of going into a book shop?
So I am torn.  I do read books on my Kindle but still have a huge backlog of "proper" books to get through but what's going to happen when I run out of them?  Will I always read from my Kindle or still do the half and half thing?  Well we will have to watch this space but I for one can't wait to just read all the books there are out there.


  1. I think you'll stick with the 50/50 thing.

    It's taken me a long time to decide that I'd like a kindle but I do think I'd like a kindle. I'd never be able to give up proper books though. For one thing, can you imagine trying to cook using a kindle instead of your favourite old recipe book?

  2. Hiya
    No but I could imagine using an ipad to cook from! Not cook on the ipad by the way :))

  3. Good point, not sure you could get enough heat on an ipad or a kindle to cook on it!!
